Save a favorite

Save dynamic favorites for quick access to the latest data analysis points relevant to your role in the business.

User permission: Save Favorites

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Either start from scratch and save a brand-new favorite or use an existing favorite as a starting point. Use offset dates to make your favorites dynamic, which means they automatically update each time they are opened. When you save a favorite, you become its owner.

Save a new favorite

  1. Open a database and carry out your analysis (you can be in the grid or chart view), then click the blue arrow next to the database name and select Save as favorite.

  2. Configure the favorite's settings. The available settings depend on your user permissions.

    • Owner: Your name is selected by default, as you are saving the favorite. If you want to change ownership, select a different user from the list.

    • Favorite: The New option is selected by default.

    • Name and Description: You must enter a name for the favorite but the description is optional.

    • Period: The Current option, with your active period in brackets, is selected by default. This is whatever period was selected in the Period menu when you saved the favorite. You can change this to Default, to use your default period instead. However, if you plan on sharing this favorite, your default might be different from other users' defaults, so the results will be different for them. Alternatively, you can seelct a defined period from the list.

    • Folders and Users: By default, your favorite is not shared with anyone, but you can assign it to folders or share it with specific users. See Sharing and folders for more information. users with whom you want to share your favorite.

  3. Click Save.

Save a favorite based on an existing favorite

This method becomes available immediately after you save a new favorite and when you open an existing favorite. It's suitable when you want to change something in a favorite that has been shared with you, as it doesn't affect the original favorite.

  1. Open the favorite and make your changes, then click the blue arrow next to the favorite name and select Save as new favorite.

  2. Update the favorite's settings (see above for details) and click Save.

See Edit a favorite to learn how to make changes to your own favorites.

Last updated