Change the measures (Financial Statements)

Measures are different types of numerical data values, such as Revenue or Quantity, that display in the grid.

Measures determine how the numbers in the statement grid display. Apply a different measure to change how the numbers are displayed. For example, you might want to see a dollar symbol before the values or remove the dollar symbol that is currently displayed.

Click the Measures menu and select the measure you want to apply. The statement grid updates automatically. Compare the two images below, they have different measures applied.

Format a measure

By default, the measures display in the format your administrator set in the Designer module. You can override this format and customize the appearance of the measures to meet your personal needs. You can select from a list of predefined format options, which include the use of decimal places, thousand separators, and percentage symbols. If none of those options meet your needs exactly, you can create a custom format that can contain a prefix and/or suffix, such as a currency symbol. For example, you might want to remove the thousands to save space in the grid, so 4,000 becomes 4, 57,300 becomes 57.3, and so on.

Click the Measures menu, then click the Formatting option at the bottom of the measures list. In the Measures Formatting window, edit the default format of each measure, as required. You can use a predefined or custom format, as described below. Then click Apply.

The measure formatting is stored in the site database and works across all your devices. The formatting will remain until you change it, even if you log out.

Use a predefined format

Click the Formatting button (it might say Default or something like 1,234.57) to view your options and select the required format.

Apply a custom format

Click the Formatting button and select the Custom option, then select one of these methods:

  • Manually enter the required format into the box. For example:

    • To remove thousands, enter: #,##0,.00

    • To remove thousands and use K as a descriptor, enter: 0,0,.00,"K"

    • To remove millions, enter: #,##0,,.00

    • To display negative figures in parentheses, enter: #,0.00;(#,0.00);0.00

  • Click the More options button and specify a prefix, suffix and/or number decimal places, and select the separate thousands checkbox, if required, then click Apply.

Hide a measure

By default, all measures are set to Visible, so they display in the list in the Measures menu. You have the option to set a measure as NOT visible, in other words, hide the measure from the list. This option is useful when the database has a lot of measures and therefore, the list of measures is very long but you are only ever interested in some of those measures. You can remove the redundant measures from the list, so you can find the ones you want more easily.

Click the Measures > Formatting and clear (deselect) the Visible checkbox for the measure.

Troubleshooting: Missing measures

If you are unable to view specific measures in the grid, it might be due to one of these reasons:

  • You hid the measure: Check to see if you hid the measure (and have since forgotten you did so). Alternatively, you might have accidentally hidden it when you were formatting it. See the Hide a measure section above.

  • Your user restrictions are preventing you from seeing the measure: Ask your administrator to check your user maintenance settings to ensure that the measure is visible to you. User restrictions override the database default restrictions. Administrators, see Manage a user's database access and restrictions.

  • The default database restrictions are preventing you from seeing the measure. Ask your administrator to check the database’s default restrictions to ensure that the measure is visible. These restrictions apply to all users unless overridden by the user’s individual restrictions. Administrators, see Manage a database's default restrictions.

Last updated