Total mode

Total mode is the simplest mode available, giving you the most basic view, focusing on the total values. This mode is particularly useful when you have multiple measures selected.

Watch this Phocas Academy video: Combine inventory and sales to find dead stock

Period mode in Summary view

In Summary view, the grid displays the relevant time unit (day/month/year) within the current period, plus a total column. If more than one measure is selected, more columns will display.

Period mode in a filtered view

When you select a dimension, the grid displays columns for the active properties (such as Code and Name) for that dimension plus the Total column.

Example of Total mode

Use Total mode to view the total number of products sold this year to date (YTD).

  1. Click Mode > Total.

  2. Click the Product dimension.

  3. Click Measures > Quantity and clear any other selected measures.

  4. Click Period > FYTD. The grid updates to display the quantity sold of each product so far this year.

Last updated