Search for data

Learn about the various ways you can search for data.

User permission: Query > Search

There are several ways you can search for data:

  • Search for data in the grid (selected dimension):

    • Perform a basic search: Quickly search for specific data using the Search box in the top right corner above the grid. This method is useful when you know what you are looking for, such as a particular customer or product.

    • Perform an advanced search: Search for data using rules that you create. This method is useful when you want to get more refined search results and answers to specific questions, such as, ‘Which sales reps earned sales revenue of less than $100,000 in the financial year to date?’

    • Search for similar or comparative data: Quickly search for data using the right-click > filter options. This method is useful when you want to find data that is similar or comparative to a specific data item, such as, ‘Which customers earned revenue equal to or greater than this amount?' This feature is sometimes referred to as an advanced search shortcut.

  • Use Search mode: View and search master lists of data, independent of periods, and without any transactions listed.

  • Search favorites, dashboards or databases: Search for data within a favorite, dashboard or database, all accessible from the Phcas navigation menu.

Last updated