Balance Sheet and Cash Flow tabs
Add a worksheet tab in your Profit and Loss budget workbook for your Balance Sheet budget and automatically derive your Cash Flow budget for 3-statement budgeting.
Last updated
Add a worksheet tab in your Profit and Loss budget workbook for your Balance Sheet budget and automatically derive your Cash Flow budget for 3-statement budgeting.
Last updated
User permissions: Budgets & Forecasts and Manage Budgets & Forecasts
Available in financial budgets only, this worksheet tab contains your Balance Sheet budget. When adding this tab, you can include the following:
A Cash Flow budget: This is automatically derived and displayed in a separate worksheet tab. Including the Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow budgets in one budget workbook creates a 3-statement budgeting model.
Mini drivers: These additional rows in the worksheet tab represent the links between your statements when you use 3-statement budgeting. They reference your Profit and Loss (P&L) accounts to forecast or budget your Balance Sheet items so your Cash Flow statement better reflects reality. They are called mini drivers because they have a similar purpose to a driver tab, but they are for use only in the Balance Sheet tab.
Watch this video (the UI is out of date but the context is the same) or follow the steps below.
Watch these videos:
Phocas demo: 3 statement forecasting
PUG Training: 3-statement budgeting and Tracking performance + re-forecasting
First, create or open the financial budget workbook and add the tab using one of these methods:
Click the Tab menu > Add tab > Balance Sheet.
Click the Add tab button (at the bottom of the workbook) and select Balance Sheet.
Then, set up the Balance Sheet and Cash Flow tabs as follows:
Three out-of-the-box templates cover common scenarios for debtors (accounts receivable), creditors (accounts payable), and stock. There’s also a custom option that allows you to create your own driver from scratch. These templates have pre-built lines with basic inputs for a calculation, allowing you to quickly model common interactions between your Profit and Loss (P&L) and Balance Sheet items without having to manually enter formulas.
Watch this video for an introduction to mini drivers (the UI is out of date but the context is the same).
These steps follow from step 2. Drivers above. If you've already added the tab, you can open the setup to include the drivers. Right-click the Balance Sheet tab and click Mini driver setup.
Add a name for the driver. This name is just for reference purposes here, it doesn't get carried through to the Balance Sheet.
Select the account you want to drive. This is the account in the Balance Sheet whose values will be automatically driven. The driver lines will display underneath this account row. You can only select one account per mini driver, and you can't select a Bank or Retained Earnings account.
Click the Expand button to view the driver’s default components (lines): Calculation, Adjustment, Days, Reference, and Opening Balance. See below for detailed information on each one.
Update the lines as needed, then update the calculation to reflect your changes.
Click Save and finish.
Proceed to explore the mini driver lines under the applicable accounts in the Balance Sheet tab.
Debtor Days is the most commonly used mini driver. It allows you to predict how your debtors are going to behave based on the level of sales you have in a given period.
The Creditor Days mini driver works similarly to the Debtor Days except that it applies to costs.
The Stock Turnover mini driver has a slightly different calculation to that of the Debtor Days and Creditor Days.
The custom option is simply a blank calculation from which you can build your own mini driver using a range of line types.
After (example):
This video shows how to add a mini driver to better drive non-current borrowings (long term loans). This driver contains the following lines: Calculation, Opening, Reference, and Adjustment.
By default, each driver contains a calculation that drives the selected account row in the Balance Sheet. Each template, except for Custom, has prebuilt lines that are referenced in that calculation. You can edit those lines and add more to update the calculation. These lines are visible in the Balance Sheet when you expand the account row. In the case of a Custom template, you can use a range of lines to build your custom calculation.
The following table has a brief description of each line type. Watch the video in the custom mini driver section above to learn more.
On the Drivers tab, click + Add driver in the bottom-right corner and select the required template: Debtor Days, Creditors, Stock, or Custom. See below for detailed information on each template.
Line type | Description |
Calculation (header or parent)
Every mini driver includes a calculation line by default. The calculation box contains a formula that can reference the other lines (variables). The resulting value of the calculation is included as the balance of the driven account in the Balance Sheet.
Calculation (sub or child)
You can add more calculation lines to a mini driver for sub-calculations or to calculate sub-totals for reference purposes.
For example, you can use this line to calculate the interest cost in a term loan calculation, where the header calculation determines the balance of the loan but the interest cost calculation drives the Profit and Loss interest expense.
Opening (balance)
This line returns the balance of the reference account from the prior period. This is often the starting position for cumulative calculations.
For example, you can use an opening balance for an existing term loan, where you calculate the interest cost and principle reduction given the opening balance, repayments and interest rate.
This line inserts a working row under the referenced account in the Balance Sheet, in which you can enter values where there is variability across periods.
For example, you can use an adjustment row to include adjustments for seasonality and loan drawdowns or repayments.
Here in the mini driver setup, this line can be referenced in the calculation lines but it's not editable.
This line allows you to select to one or more Profit and Loss accounts from your Main tab to display in your Balance Sheet, for use in a calculation. In the case of multiple accounts, the sum of those accounts is displayed.
Click Add/Edit References, then locate and select the account(s) you want to reference. The Referenced count increases accordingly to let you know how many accounts are being referenced.
This line captures the number of days for use in a calculation. It's like the Adjustment line in that it inserts a working row under the referenced account in the Balance Sheet, however, you can enter the initial value for this line here in the mini driver setup.
This line is intended to be a key element of the Debtors, Creditors, and Stock Days calculations. For example, it might be the number of days it takes to receive payment from your customers, pay suppliers, or sell stock.