Budgets and Forecasts release notes

Find out what's new and changed in each version of Budgets & Forecasts. This page lists all the releases in the last year, with the most recent release items at the top.

October 3, 2024 (Version 24.9.4)

  • Navigation improvements:

    • The Budgets & Forecasts menu now lists up to 100 budgets and forecast items, ordered by the most recently opened. You can search for all items including those not shown in the list. We also updated the style of the button that takes you to your Budgets & Forecasts homepage, where you can get your full list of items. Also, on your Budgets & Forecasts homepage, we changed the budget workbook icon to match the one that displays on your Phocas homepage, so you can easily identify your budget workbooks in both places.

    • The Recents menu now lists the 20 most recent Phocas items you've opened. Previously, this list only displayed the 10 most recent items.

  • Wildcard search: You can now use an asterisk to perform a wildcard search. This is particularly useful when trying to find a specific account code. For example:

    *100 returns matching items that end with 100, such as 220100.

    100* returns matching items that start with 100, such as 100125.

    To do a contains search, put an asterisk on both sides of the search term, such as *100*, such as 220100, 100125, and 100100.

  • Enhancements to additional measures for driver-based budgeting (budget owners and administrators):

    • We added an Opening row that allows you to take an opening balance into consideration, similar to what a Balance Sheet does, to track movement in values across the budget period. For example, this could be the movement in the quantity of customers, staff, or stock. A common use case for this row is for demand planning as part of inventory or fund management.

    • You can now populate the input rows with either zeros or data from a baseline stream. Previously, you had to select a stream. This enhancement allows you to have a different baseline for the input rows in the worksheet. For example, you can populate the top-level rows in the budget with data from a stream but then add an input row that contains zeros instead of that stream data.

    • We added labels to the parent measure rows to identify what the values represent. You can edit these labels in the setup. Previously, only the child rows had labels.

  • Several worksheet tab enhancements (budget owners and administrators):

    • When adding a Balance Sheet tab, you can now use the start month of the budget to get the opening balance. Previously, you had to select a month before the budget start month.

    • When publishing a Reference tab that uses a balance forward stream, we now implement the same logic that is used when publishing a Balance Sheet tab. Therefore, if you publish to a new stream, a new balance forward stream is created in which the opening balance and deltas for each month are published, rather than the monthly values. If publishing to an existing stream, you can only publish to an existing balance forward stream.

    • You can now apply a tab-wide format for the measures in the Manual Entry tab. This saves time, as all rows you add in the tab will get this measure formatting. You can then edit the format for individual rows as required to override that default format. For example, you can add a default format of two decimal places for all the values but then change the row that contains exchange rate data to have four decimal places.

    • We added warning messages to the Headcount tab import process to let you know when a file contains duplicate ID records. We don't support duplicate IDs; they must be unique. However, when you import data they can have duplicate IDs in the file. The duplicates aren’t imported, so you might see that the imported data is different from the data you have in file. For example, if you have 240 rows in the file and 202 are duplicates, only 40 rows will be imported. We also made some minor label changes on the Headcount tab for consistency with the corresponding items in the setup and better understanding.

August 15, 2024 (version 3.10)

  • Allocations tab: Budget owners and administrators can now add a new type of tab to budget and forecast workbooks. The Allocations tab allows you to split costs, revenue, and other items across different areas of your organization. You can then switch between viewing your pre-allocation and post-allocation values.

  • Exports include workflows: Budget owners and administrators will now see the workflow status and workflow assignee details when they export a workbook or worksheet. This information provides a quick and easy way to determine which items have uncompleted workflows or which users still have tasks assigned to them that they haven’t submitted yet.

  • Cell menu enhancement: We added more options to the Cell menu we introduced in April. This menu is available to all users and becomes active when you click a cell in a worksheet. The menu is contextual, so the available options depend on the cell you’ve selected. For example, you can view the transactions and comparative data for cells in comparison rows. These options are still also available in the contextual right-click cell menus. As part of this work, we removed redundant options from the right-click menus.

  • Headcount Input tab export for administrators: The option to export the Input tab is now available for administrators of that particular Headcount tab. Previously, only the budget owner could export an Input tab. This makes it easier for Headcount administrators to export the data to which they have access. If you’re not an administrator for a specific Headcount tab, you’ll only be able to export the Output tab.

July 31, 2024 (version 3.10)

  • Quicker access to workbooks: In the side navigation menu, the Budgets & Forecasts menu item now has a sub-menu of your recently opened workbooks. Previously, when you clicked this menu item, you went straight to the Budgets & Forecasts homepage. In the new sub-menu, you can click a workbook to open it or click the More button to open the Budgets & Forecasts homepage.

  • Session filters: You can now open a workbook in session mode, in which temporary filters are applied to its dimensions (levels in the workbook). As the filtered workbook only includes the relevant data, it loads much quicker and is faster to navigate. This feature is particularly useful for large workbooks that typically take a longer time to load. This feature has a similar output to the filters you can apply in the budget setup but the key differences are:

    • Users: Session filters apply to you only, whereas budget filters apply to all users. All users can apply session filters but budget filters must be set by the budget owner and administrators.

    • Time: Session filters are temporary; they last for the session only, so you can change them without impacting the structure of the workbook. If you reload the budget or close and reopen a budget, you’ll lose the filters and see all the original data again.

When you publish a budget with session filters applied, only the filtered rows will be published, and other rows in the budget stream will remain as they were.

  • Easier access to comparative data: You can now open baseline and comparative data in the underlying database directly from within a workbook. For example, in a Sales budget in which comparison lines have been set up, you can open that comparative data in the Analytics module, in a forecast, you can open the actuals in Financial Statements or Analytics (as applicable), and in a Balance Sheet budget, you can open the opening balance in Financial Statements.

  • More functions: We introduced a new batch of functions you can use in formulas, including PMT, FV, and ROUNDUP. To give you a better view of the grid, we also replaced the in-product help text with a link to this function information.

  • Column groups in forecasts: You can now group the period columns in forecast workbooks. Previously, the group feature was only available in budget workbooks.

  • Easier access to workbook setup: Budget owners and administrators can now open a workbook’s setup directly from the Budgets & Forecasts homepage, so you can edit the setup without having to open the workbook. This new option is particularly useful for large workbooks that typically take a longer time to load.

  • More information: We improved the error messages that display when one or more tabs in a workbook are not available. The messages are now more informative, so you can try to resolve the issue yourself before contacting our Customer Support team. For example, it might be that you don't have access to the underlying database, you don’t have permission to view a specific data item in that database, or a data item in the database can no longer be found, such as if it was deleted by another user. We also improved similar messages in other areas of the product.

  • Dimension separators: We added visual separators to the dimensions list in the workbook setup, so you can easily determine which dimensions belong to the same group. These groups correspond to those set in the underlying database.

April 9, 2024 (version 3.9)

All users will benefit from the following two updates:

  • New menus: We completed the new menus work with the addition of the Row and Cell menus. These menus give you a range of functions for working with the rows and cells in the worksheet all in one place. The options are contextual, so their availability depends on your selected row or cell.

  • New font: We updated the font to make the data easier to read.

Budget owners and administrators will benefit from these enhancements:

  • Headcount setup: The Headcount driver setup now opens in a panel that slides out from the right side of your screen, just like the setup of most other tabs. The functionality of the Headcount tab remains the same, however, the new setup streamlines the tab creation process and paves the way for us to add new feature in the coming months. Please note that Headcount user documentation and videos are currently being updated, so the current content might be out-of-date for a short time.

  • Tab clone and export options:

    • When you clone a tab, you can also now include the data (cell values) in the cloning process. Previously, the option to clone the data was not available; you could only clone the tab setup (structure).

    • You can now quickly export a single tab, bypassing the usual export process. The new export option is available when you right-click the tab name or use the new Tab contextual menu.

Both of these options are available when you right-click the tab name or use the new Tab contextual menu.

  • Custom measures in the Manual Entry tab: You can now customize the format of measures in each row on the Manual Entry tab to define the number of decimal places of the values and add a prefix or suffix to those values. We introduced custom measure formatting in February (version 3.7), but the Manual Entry tab was not included at that time.

April 3, 2024 (version 3.8)

All users will benefit from the following two updates:

  • Workflow enhancements: We’ve introduced a more efficient way to manage workflows. The new Expand and Select feature allows you to select an entire level in a worksheet hierarchy to view its workflow summary and then automatically expand and select rows of a specific workflow status. For example, in a Sales budget, all rows beneath a salesperson can be selected and assigned to a single user. Previously, the salesperson level would need to be fully expanded and each of the underlying rows selected individually. For more information and a video, see Reassign or submit multiple tasks in bulk (budget contributors) or Assign multiple tasks to a user simultaneously (budget owners and administrators).

  • New menus: We’re in the process of introducing new menus to the workbooks to give you an easier way to discover all the great features and an alternative way to initiate specific actions. For example, some actions were previously only available by right-clicking on various parts of the workbook. In this release, you’ll see the improved Budget (or Forecast) menu and a new Tab menu. In the next release, we’ll introduce additional menus.

    Points to note:

    • We moved some of the action buttons (icons) from the right of the screen into the new menus.

    • We moved the ability to switch between a budget and its linked forecast(s) into the new Budget/Forecast menu.

    • We removed the ability to access your Budgets & Forecasts homepage via the Budgets button. To return to that homepage, simply use the Phocas menu on the right of your screen.

    • We removed the Refresh button and replaced it with the Refresh workbook option in the Budget/Forecast menu.

Budget owners and administrators now have these additional options in Database and Reference tab setups:

  • Add levels: Previously in a Database tab, you could add hierarchy levels to the worksheet via the blue Add button. This option is no longer available there, as you can now add levels within the tab setup. The new location ensures consistency with the Reference tab and allows for more flexibility; you can apply filters to the levels, control the level at which the workflow sits, and reorder the levels without being restricted by the workflow level.

  • Select the workflow level: Previously, the workflow sat at the lowest level in the tab setup, but now you can control where it sits. This change gives you more flexibility in your approach to the workflow. You might want to move the workflow to a higher level where you want to do the assignment. For example, you can put the workflow at the salesperson level, so you only need to assign that higher level row to the salesperson, but they’ll get all the child rows, such as customers or items, to complete.

  • Apply a filter: We introduced the concept of a tab-wide filter, similar to the budget-wide filter that’s available on the Main tab. This setting allows you to filter the data that is displayed in the tab for a single entity in one dimension. The dimension does not appear in the grid hierarchy. For example, if the Main tab has a budget filter (Country > Australia), you might want the same filter on the Sales database driver tab. Previously, a similar result could be achieved by adding levels filtered to a single dimension, but that added unnecessary hierarchy levels to the budget and reduced the number of levels available for other dimensions, given that we only allow a total of six levels in a tab.

Coming soon

In an upcoming release, we’ll move the Headcount setup to a side panel (drawer) to be consistent with the other tab setup processes. We’ll also introduce some more spread enhancements.

March 20, 2024 (version 3.7)

We made several backend improvements to enhance the performance of the Budgets & Forecasts module. Budget workbooks and the data within their tabs now load much faster, giving all users a smoother experience.

Budget owners and administrators:

  • When you add a Database driver tab to a financial budget, you can now select a Financial Statements template to determine the layout of the contents on the new tab. For example, you might want it to be the same as the Profit and Loss statement used in the Main tab. Selecting the same template as the Main tab template also ensures that any categories with reversed signs (to show negative values as positive and vice versa) will also have reversed signs in the Database tab. Previously, this could only be achieved via manual workarounds. You can edit the setup of existing Database tabs to apply a template.

  • The Publish feature now displays in a slide-out panel rather than a window. We also reinstated the message that informs you of the worksheet you are publishing and the destination database. The functionality remains the same.

  • We introduced several headcount enhancements, the first in a series of changes that form part of the headcount redesign:

    • You now manage headcount users at a global level, not at the headcount tab level. This user management is separate from the headcount tab setup. When a workbook has more than one Headcount tab, you now only need to invite a user once. After they create a password, they will be able to access all headcount tabs, so long as they are assigned to tasks in the respective tab workflows.

    • You now set headcount administrators at the worksheet (tab) level, not the workbook level. Previously, the headcount administrators were stored against the workbook, so when a workbook had more than one Headcount tab, each of those tabs had the same headcount administrators. This change brings additional security to your headcount data. You can have multiple headcount tabs, each with a different administrator. You continue to manage the headcount administrators from the Headcount setup window. The budget owner is always a headcount administrator. When the owner of a workbook is changed, the new owner is automatically added as a headcount administrator, and the old owner is removed.

    • If you delete a Headcount tab, you now have the option to delete the sum rows in the Main tab that would otherwise remain.

  • Enhancements to additional measures for driver-based budgeting:

    • We changed some labels to ensure consistency in the different places you can add additional measures.

    • You now have the option to publish the Days, Working, and Lookup rows to measures in the underlying database.

    • We added colored dots to visually connect the types of measures you can add with their respective rows.

February 13, 2024 (version 3.7)

Budget owners and administrators:

  • We redesigned the setup windows for workbook tabs, comparison rows, and forecasts. The new designs match those we recently released for the budget setup, where the windows were replaced with panels that slide out from the right side of your screen. In a future release, we’ll finalize these designs, so you might see some small changes to their wording and layouts.

  • As part of the above design changes, in the Database driver tabs:

    • You can now populate the worksheet with zero values instead of stream values. This option was previously only available in Reference tabs.

    • We made a small change to the way you manage who can edit Input and Working rows in additional measures (lock a row for editing).

  • You can now customize the format of measures that are displayed in the grid.

All users:

  • We enhanced the spread a target > evenly option that is available for calculated measures. The option is now called Evenly between periods. While the target is still spread proportionally between the rows, it is no longer spread proportionally across the period, as each month in the period gets the same target.

  • We renamed non-financial budgets to operational budgets, to better describe the contents of those budgets. Financial budgets are based on a financial database and operational (non-financial) budgets are based on other databases, such as Sales, Purchases, and Inventory.

January 8, 2024 (version 3.7)

Budget owners and administrators - Publishing enhancements:

  • We redesigned the Publish window. The new version makes it easier for you to select the publishing method, as tooltips clearly differentiate each one, and if you have already published a tab to a specific stream, that method and stream will be selected for you by default.

  • You can now publish the data to a specific date range in the stream, giving you a different way to partially publish the budget.

  • For budgets set up with the Year period type, you can now publish to months. The new option splits the budget period value proportionally by 12 and publishes to each month in the year.

  • If you publish a tab that contains a lot of data, the data is now published in chunks. The publishing progress displays in a loading screen, with error messages and a Refresh button available in the case of any errors.

All users:

  • You can now refresh the audit log list and export the list to Microsoft Excel.

  • You can now spread by date. This new spread option allows you to spread a total using the number of days in each period as the proportion for the spread. You can select calendar days, weekdays, or a working day calendar to determine the number of days.

  • Dimension filter enhancement - We added functionality to the dimension filters to make it easier for you to see the number of entities you have selected.

December 7, 2023 (version 3.6)

Budget owners and administrators:

We redesigned the budget setup windows. The new versions of the setup windows have all the same functionality as the originals, although some items might be moved to a different location and some new functionality is introduced. The create and edit processes are the same as before but should be faster now, as the UI is more intuitive and some settings are now pre-populated.

All users:

  • We changed the new technology we use to provide the structure and baseline values for budgets. The new technology should considerably speed up the time it takes to load budgets and prevent timeout issues.

  • We added more filtering options to budget worksheets to enable you to find rows that meet a certain condition or contain errors, or remove rows that contain non zero values. The new Filter button replaces the All / Non zero toggle button that was introduced in the last release.

  • The transactions window now shows all the properties associated with the underlying database. The ability to view transactions is now also available in non-financial budgets and forecasts, and those based on custom periods.

November 9, 2023 (version 3.5)

New and enhanced features

All users can now:

In addition to the above features, budget owners and administrators can now:

Small changes

  • All users can now hide the rows that have zero (0.00) values from the budget.

  • In August (version 3.2) we released the ability for Headcount users to reset their passwords. As a result of the reset action, the headcount data was temporarily unavailable. In this release, we give budget owners and administrators the ability to refresh the corrupted data on the user’s behalf, so the user can continue to use the headcount data.

October 31, 2023 (version 3.4)

New and enhanced features

Budget owners and administrators can now:

  • Import data into the Lookup tab to save substantial data-entry time.

  • Partially publish a budget to have more control over what gets published into the selected stream. Only rows that are marked as completed in the workflow are published.

  • Clone the structure (setup) of tabs that were added to a workbook. This feature is available for all tabs except for the Main, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow tabs, as there should only be one instance of those tabs. If you clone a tab that has a baseline stream, the new tab will be populated with the baseline values but not any of the values that were entered into the original tab, since only the structure of the tab is cloned.

All users can now:

  • Easily switch between budgets and their related forecasts (and vice versa) using the arrow next to the Budget (or Forecast) button in the top left corner of the workbook.

  • View sparklines in the budget and forecast grids. These mini charts allow you to quickly see trends and spot anomalies in your data. They display by default next to each value in the Total columns in budgets and a new designated column in forecasts. If you do not want to see the sparklines, you can turn this feature off.

  • Vertically spread a value across multiple columns. In version 3.2 we released the ability to spread a value in the Total column vertically into the rows in that column. Now you can spread any column vertically or select multiple columns and spread a value vertically into their rows.

  • Partially spread a value into selected cells, which can span part of one or more columns or rows.

Resolved issues and small changes

  • We made two changes to the column groups feature:

    • You can now ungroup all column groupings at the same time.

    • Groupings are now removed when you copy a budget forward or change the budget start or end dates.

  • You can now hide the code or name of the entities in each dimension that is displayed in the grid.

  • We changed the right-click menu to make the paste values option more accessible.

  • We improved the way the Refresh action works. It now picks up financial statement changes more easily.

  • We added some limitations to the process of editing the setup of Lookup tabs. You can no longer delete or reorder lookup rows that contain a formula reference to another column. This change prevents errors from occurring in the worksheet.

  • We updated the design of the windows that display when you create, edit or clone a worksheet tab. All these windows now have consistent options and look similar to each other, and those in other modules.

  • We redesigned the way we display error messages. The information is now displayed in a more familiar style and contains actions for you to take. You can copy the error message, contact our Support team (not available for Epicor users), or simply return to your homepage.

  • We made several performance improvements.

Last updated