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Measures are different types of numerical data values that are displayed on the various tabs of a budget or forecast workbook.
Sometimes the precision of a value is important. Budgeting items like gross profit margins, product prices, exchange rates, and so on often requires at least two decimal places, sometimes more. For example, you might want to budget revenue and expense line items to the cents (or pence) level or include a suffix to identify the currency.
Custom measure formatting allows you to override the default formatting in the underlying database. You can define the number of decimal places each measure has, along with any prefix or suffix information.
It's important to remember that when you define a custom measure, your changes are visual only; you only change how the values in the worksheet (grid) display for you and other users. You don’t make any changes to the measures in the underlying database design. In the case of a value that has been rounded to zero decimal places, you can still see the full amount in the fx bar above the grid.
The following examples demonstrate how you can apply a custom format to measures in different places throughout Budgets & Forecasts.
introduces the concept of custom measure formatting and shows how to apply a custom format of a dollar sign prefix and two decimal places to the measures in a financial budget.
shows how to apply a different custom format to the additional measures that were added to a Sales budget for :
shows how to apply a custom format to the in a Reference tab. The process is the same for adding comparison rows in the Main and Database tabs.
By default, the measures in take on the same formatting as the measures in the parent row, which comes from the budget or workbook tab setup. There’s no source formatting option for either line type, as their values don't come from an underlying database.
shows how custom formatting works differently in the working and sum lines:
The process of formatting measures in and tabs is the same, as both of these tabs have a similar setup, including the option to have additional measure rows for driver-based budgeting. However, there are differences related to the types of rows you can add:
shows how to apply a custom format to the various measures you can add to a workbook via a Database tab and Reference tab.
The measures you use in a don't have a source format option because there's no source for them. They are like working lines in that their initial value doesn't come from an underlying database. By default, they are rounded to zero decimal places and don't have a prefix or suffix.
shows what the default measures look like and how to apply a different custom format to the following lookup items:
You can set the default measure format when you or . That format automatically applies to all rows you add in the tab. You can override the format of any row within the tab.
shows how to apply different formatting to the measures on each row in a Manual Entry tab.
Override the default formatting of the values you see in a worksheet to suit your budgeting needs.