Delete a stream (Budgets & Forecasts)

User permissions: Budgets & Forecasts and Manage Budgets & Forecasts

After you publish a budget or forecast as a stream (dataset) in the underlying database, there might be times when that stream is no longer required, so you want to remove it from the list of available streams. For example, you might have added a new stream as a test case which is now redundant, or perhaps you deleted a workbook and the corresponding stream is not relevant to your analysis.

When you delete a stream from Budgets & Forecasts, the stream is also deleted from the Analytics or Financial Statements modules.

Deleting a stream is irreversible; the deleted stream cannot be restored.

Delete a stream via your homepage

The Published Streams tab on your Budgets and Forecasts homepage lists all the published streams, so this is the easiest way to delete a stream.

Open your homepage, click the Published Streams tab, then click the Menu button (on the far right side) of the workbook row and click Delete Stream > Confirm.

Delete a stream via the Publish button on a worksheet

To delete a stream this way, the stream you want to delete must have the same structure as the worksheet you are deleting from. For example, if you want to delete a stream that has Country and Branch as the dimensions and Local Value as the measure, you need to be in a worksheet with the same structure (dimensions and measures) as that stream.

  1. Open the workbook, then in the bottom right of the worksheet, click the Publish button.

  2. Select the Publish to existing stream dropdown button to display the list of streams that match the current workbook or worksheet structure (dimensions and measures).

  3. Click the Delete button of the stream you want to delete.

  4. Close the Publish window.

Last updated