Manage worksheet tabs

Take action with the worksheet tabs added to the budget and forecast workbooks.

User permissions: Budgets & Forecasts and Manage Budgets & Forecasts

There are two ways to access the available actions for a worksheet tab:

  • Open the tab and click the Tab menu.

  • Right-click the tab name at the bottom of the workbook.

The edit setup, clone, edit permissions, reorder, and delete actions are outlined below. Other actions you can take are:

Edit the tab setup

What you can change in a tab setup depends on the type of tab and the stage of the budgeting process you are in. For example, in the case of a Database Driver tab, you can make changes to the tab’s setup details BEFORE you edit the data (enter or change a value) in the worksheet. After you edit the data, you can only change the driver tab’s name, owner, and administrators.

  1. Click the Tab menu or right-click the tab name, then select Edit tab setup.

  2. Make your changes, then click Update and Finish.

Clone a tab

Rather than add a new tab from scratch, you can clone an existing tab. Cloning is useful when:

  • You want to edit the setup of such a tab, but you can’t do so, as you've already entered values. After you clone the tab, you are free to make those structural changes.

  • You want to duplicate a tab with a complex setup. Cloning that tab is more efficient than adding a new one from scratch. For example, you might want to have two Database tabs based on the same database but with different filters applied to each one.

You can clone the Lookup, Reference, Manual Entry, Database, and Headcount Input tabs. However, you can’t clone the Main, Balance Sheet, Cashflow, and Headcount Output tabs.

When cloning a tab, you can either clone only the tab setup (structure) or both the tab setup and its data. The exception is with the Manual Entry tab; you only have the option to clone the data, as it has no setup.

Points to note if you clone the tab setup only:

  • If the tab has a baseline stream, the new tab will be populated with the baseline values but not any of the values that were entered into the original tab. This is illustrated in the image below, where the baseline values in the top row were overwritten by 100 but when that tab was cloned, the baseline values display instead of those entered values.

  • Headcount tab: The headcount drivers, benefits, and benefit plans are cloned into the new tab but the headcount rows (employee data) are not. You will likely want to import different data anyway.

  1. Either click the Tab menu in the top-left corner or right-click the tab name at the bottom of the workbook, then select Clone tab setup or Clone tab with data.

  2. Enter a name for the new tab, then click Clone tab setup or Clone tab with data, as applicable. The new tab displays to the right of the original tab.

Edit the tab permissions

By default, all Budgets and Forecast users can view all the tabs you add to a workbook, except the Headcount Input tab, which has a higher level of security and is protected by a password. While you can manage user access for a whole workbook, there might be times when you want to restrict access to individual worksheet tabs to a subset of viewers. For example, a tab might have sensitive information about budget cuts or remuneration increases. Restricting access to a tab also helps with workflow management, as only those users who have permission to access the tab will be displayed in the list of eligible task assignees.

Watch this video to see how workbook and tab access works.

When you restrict access to a tab, the following points apply to the users who don't have access:

  • The tab remains in view alongside the other tabs, but when those users click it to open it, they get a message telling them they don’t have access. They need to contact you (budget owner or administrator) to request access.

  • Those users can’t export the tab. The export feature might still be available (depending on the user permissions), but the restricted tab isn't included in the list. If the user tries to export the whole workbook, the exported data won’t include the restricted tabs.

  • If those users view a formula (hover over the cell or use the fx bar or cell history) that references a restricted tab, they'll see a bell icon to indicate it is restricted, along with a tooltip explaining that they don't have access to the tab. They can’t click the tab reference to open that tab.

When you edit the permissions for the Main tab and then add a new tab, the new tab will inherit the Main tab’s permissions. Similarly, if you edit the permissions for any tab and then clone that tab, the new tab will inherit the original tab’s permissions. You can then edit those permissions on a tab-by-tab basis as required.

The following steps outline how to manage tab permissions from within a workbook. You can also initiate this action from the Budgets & Forecasts homepage.

  1. Click the Tab menu or right-click the tab name, then select Edit tab permissions.

  2. Select Selected users and select the required users from the list.

    • The list displays all users in your organization who have access to the Budgets and Forecasts module.

    • If you give a user access to the tab, and they haven’t previously been assigned any rows in the workflow or given workbook viewer access, they are automatically added as a viewer to the workbook. See Manage access to a workbook.

  3. Click Save.

To remove a user’s access to a tab, open the Manage access window and click the user’s X (delete) button.

Reorder tabs

You can change the order in which the worksheet tabs display in a budget or forecast workbook, to meet your organization’s requirements. Other users will then see the tabs in that order.

Click and hold the tab’s Move button on the left of its name (a blue box displays around the row), then drag the tab left or right to its new position.

Delete a tab

If you are unhappy with how you set up a tab and want to start again, or you no longer need a tab, you can delete it.

When you delete a tab, the entire worksheet and any data it contains is removed from Phocas and cannot be restored.

Either click the Tab menu in the top-left corner or right-click the tab name at the bottom of the workbook, then select Delete tab, then click Delete to confirm the deletion.

Last updated